Specialist Disability Accommodation
Specialist Disability Accommodation
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funding assists people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs to acquire specialist housing solutions. Funding is only available to a small proportion of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants who meet specific eligibility criteria. It is expected that approximately 28,000 people under the NDIS will be funded for SDA – just 6 per cent of all NDIS participants.
Specialist Disability Accommodation properties need to be built and designed in accordance with the set National Standards outlined by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
Design Categories
Improved liveability
Newly built or modified housing designed to improve ‘liveability’ by incorporating a reasonable level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment.
Fully accessible
Newly built or modified housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment.
Newly built or modified housing that has been designed to be very resilient and incorporate a high level of physical access provision. This reduces the likelihood of reactive maintenance and risk to the participant and the community.
High physical support
Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.